Kiran Kaur

Telephone: (08) 9328 6226
Kiran loves travelling, renovating her home and making 'to do' lists much to her husband's delight. She spends her down time with her children, family and friends and babying her 30kg White Swiss Shepherd named Ghost - yes, from Game of Thrones. Kiran developed her passion for law after undertaking a unit in Aviation Law during University and obtained her recreational pilot's licence.
Kiran's favourite part of her day is meeting new people and getting to know her clients. With a wide range of experience, Kiran enjoys navigating solutions to legal problems and particularly making the process of creating a Will, seeking Probate and administering an estate as straightforward as possible for her clients.
Date of admission:
Admitted to practise in the Supreme Court of Western Australia on 4 April 2006
Bachelor of Laws
Law Society of Western Australia
Select Experience:
Experience in estate planning including the preparation of Wills incorporating testamentary trusts, enduring powers of attorney, enduring powers of guardianship and provision of advice relating to superannuation funds.
Experience in completing applications for Probate, Letters of Administration and estate administration including lodgment of Survivorship applications, Transmissions and Transfers of Land.
Experience in drafting lease agreements and Deeds of Assignment, Extension and Variation.
Experience in policy, contracting and compliance requirements in the Building & Construction industry, particularly residential construction.
Practice Areas:
Wills and estates, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Guardianship, Probate, Letters of Administration, estate administration, Survivorship, Transmission and Transfers of land, building and construction law, commercial law including preparation of lease agreements, Deeds of Assignment, Extension and Variation, debt recovery and civil litigation.